Quote for the day: "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit"
~ Aristotle
excellence- 1. The state, quality, or condition of excelling; superiority. 2. Something in which one excels.
As I continue to review curriculum, read books for literature, and create lesson plans, I am constantly looking for a structured way to monitor my daughter's work each year. I usually look over her yearly work and assess standardized test scores, but I did not have a general plan that I used each year to make these assesments.
I read about
Evaluating for Excellence by Teresa Moon on a curriculum board, and came across a copy of it at a used curriculum fair. What a gem! It really gives direction for evaluating student progress and setting goals from year to year. It is definately a valuable resource.
Summer is quickly flying by! I am enjoying the extra time with my family, along with the summer heat.
I had anticipated blogging more during the summer, but it has turned out to be a less. I guess when the usual routine returns in mid August, then I will blog a little more.