so·cial·i·za·tion n. The process of learning interpersonal and interactional skills that are in conformity with the values of one's society.The homeschooler's favorite question was posed to me today as I sat in the dentist's office waiting for my daughter. I had a brief conversation with a very friendly gentleman who was waiting for his two sons as well.
The conversation went something like this:
"...that's great that you home school, but are you planning to continue through high school?" "...yes, we believe we can do it with all of the available resources and my daughter will probably complete some classes at a local community college while in high school.." "....that's great but what about SOCIALIZATION?..."duhhhhhhhhhhhh!
This is our fifth year of homeschooling and I can't believe that every time someone asks that question, I am momentarily speechless. I went on to say something like this:
"..We're really not that concerned with it......It's not as if we live in some remote area and don't interact with others..."I really can't remember exactly what I said, but I'm so disappointed in myself for feeling........awkward. Why didn't I just say what I really believe in my heart?--
".....socialization?....socialize with who?.....tons of other kids who are grouped into cliques....socialize in an environment full of profanity and promiscuity......NO THANKS!..that's not what God has called our family to do..."I am very aware that the things I just mentioned are not a part of
every public or private school, but in our area the public schools are pretty bad.
My 7th grade daughter is not by any means lacking in the socialization area, just by the shear nature of her personality. But even if she wasn't as outgoing, would I thrust her into high school to socialize her?
Out of all of the facets of homeschooling, why is socialization the only facet that people question?
I must develop a way to respond to this question in which I can share our family's view without being offensive.
After the dentist, we went to the pediatrician's office for my toddlers check-up. While there the nurse asked my older daughter about school. She informed her that she is homeschooled. The nurse asked me---"What do you do about physical education?" Now that's a question that I can handle. (LOL)