Yes! Spring has finally come and I am excited. I am not very fond of cold weather, so this is a great time of year for me. I get really energized.
I haven't posted in a while because life has been very busy. We have just finished high school basketball season where my daughter's homeschool team placed third in their division at a homeschool tournament at Liberty University last week. http://www.hspn.com/
Now we are into travel basketball season which will last until the end of July.
I had an opportunity to attend the Apologia Live Mom's Conference in Baltimore, MD Feb 27-28. http://www.apologiaonline.com/live/ It was absolutely awesome. The theme was Walking In The Light. There were five speakers including Sally Clarkson (The Whole Hearted Child), Debra Bell, Raechel Carman,Zan Tyler, and Elizabeth Smith. What a great opportunity to meet other homeschool moms and be able to fellowship. If this conference comes to your area next year, I encourage you to go. You will definitely get blessed.
It's that time of year to plan for the upcoming school year. I have been doing a lot of curriculum searching, planning and high school recordkeeping. I'll be posting upcoming plans soon.
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.
~Hebrews 10:23
~Hebrews 10:23
I love to play basketball.YOURS post reminds me my childhood.I enjoy yours post a lot.yours blog just great.
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