Saturday, June 13, 2009

Year in Review

2008-2009 Year in Review (Grade 10) 15dd Class of 2012

(2011-2012 will be a gap year)

Saxon Algebra 2 (Saxon with DIVE cd)
World History 2 Tapestry of Grace yr 2 Classic ( Units 1&2)
Thinking Like a Christian (Worldview Studies)
Spanish 1 (SOS)
Latin 1 (Henle using MODG syllabus) NLE Maxima Cum Laude Award
Writing /Literature co-op class (IEW)
Art History (.5 credit)
SAT Prep
Intro to Rhetoric/Debate class (Novice track Best Speaker Award)
Chemistry (summer ’08 @ Community College)
8th year Classical Piano
Varsity Basketball
Books Read
Lit. Class
· The Three Musketeers
· Great Expectations
· Uncle Tom’s Cabin
· Screwtape Letters
· Romeo and Juliet
· Tales from the Arabian Nights
· Selections from the Koran
· Beowulf
· Canterbury Tales
· Divine Comedy
· Imitation of Christ
· Morte’ D’Arthur
· Don Quixote

Personal Comments: Overall good year. I am very pleased with the amount of literature and readings covered in Tapestry of Grace, though I will not use it in the upcoming year. The best thing this year was getting a Latin Tutor for weekly questions or concerns that my daughter had. My daughter put in a lot of hard work with a busy and demanding schedule that included sports and travel.

2009-2010 Outlook
Religious Studies 3 (not sure what we’ll use)
Advanced Mathematics with Saxon Teacher cd’s
American History (BJU) & historical Literature
Latin 2 (Henle)
Spanish 2 (Switched on Schoolhouse)
Physics (co-op)
British Lit/Writing (co-op)
? Fall swim team
Varsity Basketball

Preschool Year in Review
This was our weekly schedule for 2008-2009 4dd

8-8:30 Bible Story or Boz (M,W,F) Right Choices, T,TH
8:30-9:00 Math (Singapore, Building Thinking Skills, Visual Perception, Dev Early Learner and Math Games
9:00-9:15 Phonics
9:15-9:30 HWT
9:30-10:00 Art on Mon, Science on Tues, Music on Wed, Science on Thurs, Art book on Fri
10:00-10:15 SNACK
10:15-10:30 Outdoors
10:45-11:15 Read Aloud with Activity
11:15-12:00 Free Play

We were able to stick to the schedule for the most part. We didn’t get to science as much as I would have liked. We also occasionally used Saxon K for a few concepts. We are currently on the Singapore Earlybird Kindergarten 2A (two pages left). We will move on to 2B and work through the summer. We had a lot of fun with Art. It has been great seeing my little artist flourish.
Abeka Phonics has worked great with my little one. She enjoys the extras, and has grasped the concepts easily. It has been challenging because I have to pick through some of the material since it is designed for the classroom, but it is working well. I have occasionally used OPGTR to supplement in some areas. She is reading well. I am happy with her progress thus far. This has been a fun and exciting year teaching a little one. :-)

Curriculum used:
Bible: Bible Stories and coloring pages; Boz; Right Choices
Math: Singapore Earlybird Math Series 1A,1B,2A (Big Hit); some Saxon K
Critical Thinking: Building Thinking Skills Primary; Visual Perception
Handwriting: Handwriting Without Tears K
Art: Primary Art; various lessons from internet or other books
Science: Science with Animals from The Sunny Patch (,
library books on specific topics; nature play; a few nature classes
Music: Wee sing, Bible Songs, Instrument play
Read Aloud: books from various lists
Other: I also used Weekly Reader guides for additional topics and activities, Pattern Blocks, Mailbox Magazine.
PE: Weekly Gymnastics Class

2009-2010 Kindergarten Outlook
Bible: R&S Bible Stories, Betty Lukens Felt, Character Crafts
Math: Singapore Earlybird 2B; Saxon 1
Reading: Abeka Phonics K5/1
Writing: HWT K/1
Countries & Cultures Unit Study (
Science: Living Learning Books + supplements, various experiments, Friday Green Hour (
Art: Getting to Know the World’s Greatest Artists, A Child’s Book of Art, Primary Art,
PE: Outdoor Play, Weekly Gymnastics Class
Read Alouds


AOP said...

Hello, my name is Kristi Gesink and I work for the Homeschooling Company Alpha Omega Publications. I noticed after reading through your blog that you mentioned using our Switched on Schoolhouse curriculum to teach your children. We would like to say thanks so much for choosing our products and we would like to ask if you would please post a link from your blog to our site at
that way friends and readers just need to click on your link to find out more about your great curriculum!!
Thanks again for being a great customer and choosing us for your homeschooling needs! Have a fantastic day!

Kristi Gesink

Michelle said...

excellent blog!!!

The Reluctant Homeschooler said...

Wow, rigorous program! You read a lot in literature, too. Any particular book from that list of literature that you especially liked and would recommend?

fawad said...

Wow,really impressing post.
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